How to check if a character in a string is a digit or letter

I have the user entering a single character into the program and it is stored as a string. I would like to know how I could check to see if the character that was entered is a letter or a digit. I have an if statement, so if its a letter its prints that it's a letter, and the same for a digit. The code I have so far doesn't work but I feel like I'm close. Any help you can offer is appreciated.

  System.out.println("Please enter a single character: ");
  String character =;


  if (character.isLetter()){
    System.out.println("The character entered is a letter.");
  else (character.isDigit()){
    Syste.out.println("The character entered is a digit.");

Solution 1:

You could use:

    if (Character.isLetter(character.charAt(0))){

Solution 2:

You could use the existing methods from the Character class. Take a look at the docs:

So, you could do something like this...

String character =;
char c = character.charAt(0);
if (Character.isDigit(c)) { 
} else if (Character.isLetter(c)) {

If you ever want to know exactly how this is implemented, you could always look at the Java source code.

Solution 3:

Ummm, you guys are forgetting the Character.isLetterOrDigit method:

boolean x;
String character =;
char c = character.charAt(0);
  x = true;