Apple hides Archive folder - how to get it to show

I use with FastMail. Mostly, it just works.

However, when I start up Mail it never shows the Archive folder. The Archive button will move mail to it, but it's not there. The Goto mailbox menu item is greyed out for Archive in the Mailbox menu too. (cmd-2)

I can right-click on another folder, all of which show up, and choose "Get Account Info" then it scans all the folders, shows Archive which I double-click to open, and use that window, closing the original Mail window. All works fine and dandy. It's an annoying little dance I don't want to have to do.

Worth noting that once I've done the dance, then the cmd-2 short-cut works and the menu item above works fine.

In FastMail the Archive folder is configured to be displayed. It's set to Always Show.

This is on 10.9.2.

Using another mail client (Airmail, or Postbox) I didn't see this problem, but I like Mail.

I just had this problem on OS 10.10 (Yosemite). Here's how I solved it:

  1. Select the inbox.
  2. Right-click "Account Info"
  3. Select "Messages on Server" tab.
  4. Wait until the size of all of your mailboxes is calculated.
  5. Select the Archive mailbox and click "Show Messages" button.

The archive now appears in the mailboxes bar.

It appears that this is linked to Spotlight in some way.

I recently turned spotlight indexing back on for the volume holding my $HOME and immediately this started working again.

I assume that without the spotlight index it can't find the Archive directly automatically, then finds it via IMAP when I run through the steps in the question.