Solution 1:

At the moment, there is no official PPA for zoom, but there is an unofficial snap. However, last time I tried, the zoom-client snap did not keep my local preferences every update. It was also behind on updates at times.

If you want to use apt-get, apt or the GUI upgrade-manager, the following script will set a local repository for zoom, which will auto-update every time apt-get update runs:



sudo mkdir -p $debdir
( echo 'APT::Update::Pre-Invoke {"cd '$debdir' && wget -qN '$url' && apt-ftparchive packages . > Packages && apt-ftparchive release . > Release";};' | sudo tee $aptconf
  echo 'deb [trusted=yes lang=none] file:'$debdir' ./' | sudo tee $sourcelist
) >/dev/null

sudo apt update
sudo apt install zoom

Alternatively, you can use the following script to update zoom:


cd ~/Downloads

wget -qN $url$file
downloadedVer=`dpkg -f $file version`

dpkgReport=`dpkg -s zoom`
echo "$dpkgReport" | grep '^Status: install ok' > /dev/null && \
  installedVer=`echo "$dpkgReport" | grep ^Version: | sed -e 's/Version: //'`

if [ "$installedVer" != "$downloadedVer" ]; then
  sudo dpkg -i $file
  echo "Zoom is up to date"

Both methods will continue to work as long as Zoom keeps updating the same location and file.

Solution 2:

You can install an unofficial snap package that is lagging behind a little but ads the ease of updating through terminal.

If you have Zoom install by any way other than snap you must first uninstall. Try uninstalling via apt-get

sudo apt-get remove <zoom package name>

then you can reinstall it via snap. Do so either in Terminal:

sudo snap install zoom-client

or by use of the snap-store which can be installed with

sudo snap install snap-store

then updating all snap packages is done by

sudo snap refresh

Solution 3:

Zoom is not available in Ubuntu repositories. It also doesn't appear that the software can be installed via PPA, at least not officially, from the page you linked.

apt and your GUI software center only deal with packages that can be updated via sources in /etc/apt/sources.list or PPA sources or snaps.

There is a zoom-client snap in the snap store, but it appears that you did not originally install the software using this method, so you will need to follow the manual installation and update/upgrade instructions from the developer of the software via the link that you referenced.