Passing a String by Reference in Java?

Solution 1:

You have three options:

  1. Use a StringBuilder:

    StringBuilder zText = new StringBuilder ();
    void fillString(StringBuilder zText) { zText.append ("foo"); }
  2. Create a container class and pass an instance of the container to your method:

    public class Container { public String data; }
    void fillString(Container c) { += "foo"; }
  3. Create an array:

    new String[] zText = new String[1];
    zText[0] = "";
    void fillString(String[] zText) { zText[0] += "foo"; }

From a performance point of view, the StringBuilder is usually the best option.

Solution 2:

In Java nothing is passed by reference. Everything is passed by value. Object references are passed by value. Additionally Strings are immutable. So when you append to the passed String you just get a new String. You could use a return value, or pass a StringBuffer instead.