CSS: Center block, but align contents to the left

I want a whole block to be centered in its parent, but I want the contents of the block to be left aligned.

Examples serve best

On this page :


the ascii art should be centered (as it appears) but it should line up and look like "YAML".

Or this :


the error message should all line up as it does in a console.

First, create a parent div that centers its child content with text-align: center. Next, create a child div that uses display: inline-block to adapt to the width of its children and text-align: left to make the content it holds align to the left as desired.

<div style="text-align: center;">
    <div style="display: inline-block; text-align: left;">
        Centered<br />
        Content<br />
        That<br />
        Is<br />
        Left<br />

Reposting the working answer from the other question: How to horizontally center a floating element of a variable width?

Assuming the element which is floated and will be centered is a div with an id="content" ...

<div id="wrap">
   <div id="content">
   This will be centered

And apply the following CSS

#wrap {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    left: 50%;

#content {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    left: -50%;

Here is a good reference regarding that http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/35-floats-and-clearing/#centeringfloats

If I understand you well, you need to use to center a container (or block)

margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

and to left align it's contents:

text-align: left;

I've found the easiest way to centre and left-align text inside a container is the following:


  <p>Some interesting text.</p>


P {
  width: 50%; //or whatever looks best
  margin: auto; //top and bottom margin can be added for aesthetic effect

Hope this is what you were looking for as it took me quite a bit of searching just to figure out this pretty basic solution.