How can I avoid Firefox's "you have chosen to open" dialog when I try to download a file?

I just want it to save the file to disk, not bring up a dialog and make me click "Save File" each time. The file types that I'm downloading are not listed in Firefox's Applications preferences, and I see no way to add them. I'm using Firefox 3.6.2.

@rlb.usa In the General > Downloads preferences, I have it set to "Save files to [my downloads folder]" rather than "Always ask me where to save files."

Solution 1:

I think Automatic Save Folder will do what you want.

It has an option to "Automatically accept the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' dialog windows."

It also has a lot more features and options. It might be overkill for what you want, but you might find those features useful, too. Especially the ones that allow you to define where to save files based on filters.

Solution 2:

Firefox's approach to mime types it does not know is to ask first, and allow you to save your choice by checking off the "Do this automatically for files from now on".

Firefox Dialog

That said there is an extension called Download StatusBar that will just cause all files to download. (Which may be what you'd prefer)

Firefox's mime types are managed in a file called mimeTypes.rdf in your Profile's folder.

Alternatively, holding the Option key when clicking on a direct download link works for me without fail.