pthreads: thread starvation caused by quick re-locking

I have a two threads, one which works in a tight loop, and the other which occasionally needs to perform a synchronization with the first:

// thread 1
    // perform work

// thread 2
    // unrelated work that takes a while
    // synchronizing step

My intention is that thread 2 can, by taking the lock, effectively pause thread 1 and perform the necessary synchronization. Thread 1 can also offer to pause, by unlocking, and if thread 2 is not waiting on lock, re-lock and return to work.

The problem I have encountered is that mutexes are not fair, so thread 1 quickly re-locks the mutex and starves thread 2. I have attempted to use pthread_yield, and so far it seems to run okay, but I am not sure it will work for all systems / number of cores. Is there a way to guarantee that thread 1 will always yield to thread 2, even on multi-core systems?

What is the most effective way of handling this synchronization process?

You can build a FIFO "ticket lock" on top of pthreads mutexes, along these lines:

#include <pthread.h>

typedef struct ticket_lock {
    pthread_cond_t cond;
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    unsigned long queue_head, queue_tail;
} ticket_lock_t;


void ticket_lock(ticket_lock_t *ticket)
    unsigned long queue_me;

    queue_me = ticket->queue_tail++;
    while (queue_me != ticket->queue_head)
        pthread_cond_wait(&ticket->cond, &ticket->mutex);

void ticket_unlock(ticket_lock_t *ticket)

Under this kind of scheme, no low-level pthreads mutex is held while a thread is within the ticketlock protected critical section, allowing other threads to join the queue.

In your case it is better to use condition variable to notify second thread when it is required to awake and perform all required operations.

pthread offers a notion of thread priority in its API. When two threads are competing over a mutex, the scheduling policy determines which one will get it. The function pthread_attr_setschedpolicy lets you set that, and pthread_attr_getschedpolicy permits retrieving the information.

Now the bad news:

  • When only two threads are locking / unlocking a mutex, I can’t see any sort of competition, the first who runs the atomic instruction takes it, the other blocks. I am not sure whether this attribute applies here.
  • The function can take different parameters (SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR, SCHED_OTHER and SCHED_SPORADIC), but in this question, it has been answered that only SCHED_OTHER was supported on linux)

So I would give it a shot if I were you, but not expect too much. pthread_yield seems more promising to me. More information available here.