Ubuntu 20.04.0 LTS Maximum Screen Resolution too low
Solution 1:
Using the NVidia Server settings I could manage my screens on a GTX 760. The Xorg conf that the application created was copied to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/my.conf:
That of course makes only sense, if the application detects your monitors right. Otherwise you'd need to add the missing EDID information. This is a way to try out if the resolution works:
xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 60
If that doesn't work and the Nvidia Server Settings does not recognize your monitor size you may have to add it to your "my.conf" file mentioned above:(change the resolutions -that is only an example!)
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "External DVI"
Modeline "1280x1024_60.00" 108.88 1280 1360 1496 1712 1024 1025 1028 1060 -HSync +Vsync
Option "PreferredMode" "1280x1024_60.00"
Reboot. If a problem occurs just remove that conf file and restart - then no harm is done.