Is there a way to toggle Do Not Disturb from the commandline?

Thanks to @UnKNOWn, I found this command and with a little tweaking, I was able to create a script to toggle Do Not Disturb mode. Here is the GitHub repo to the script. I set a keyboard shortcut in the settings to make it usable.

Edit: For anyone not wanting to deal with a script, you can simply use Super + V to open up the notifications menu and press space to toggle DND. Realized this the day after, but I hope the script helps haha.

You can also do this through Python as well. Using something like systemd/supervisord/etc, this can be done automatically:

import subprocess
import time

# Time to set when dnd should start/stop
dnd_time = {'start': {'hour': 17, 'minute': 00}, 'end': {'hour': 8, 'minute': 00}} 
sleep_time = 30

def get_dnd_status():
    enabled = None
    # get to check
    status = subprocess.check_output(['gsettings', 'get', 'org.gnome.desktop.notifications', 'show-banners']).strip().decode()
    # 'false' means DND is enabled
    if status == 'false':
        enabled = True
        enabled = False
    return enabled

def set_dnd_status(to):
    # set to apply
    set_it = subprocess.check_output(['gsettings', 'set', 'org.gnome.desktop.notifications', 'show-banners', f'{to}'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    current_time = time.localtime()
    if dnd_time['start']['hour'] >= current_time.tm_hour >= dnd_time['end']['hour']:
        enabled = get_dnd_status()
        if enabled: