Is it possible to beat Infinity Blade on the first Bloodline?

I've played through two bloodlines so far in Infinity Blade. Both times I made it to the boss, and both times he beat me. I imagine it's possible to beat him after leveling up over the course of many tries, but is it possible to do it on the first bloodline?

Solution 1:

It's possible, yes. Just extremely difficult. You just have to avoid his attacks, but seeing as the controls are slow to respond at times, it makes it much harder.

Solution 2:

I beat him on first blood line by going the way with most enemies (fighting as many as I could), and spending any skill points I got into attack, and then buying the best sword I could before the fight (for me it was the firebrand). On the first blood line, the god king is at a reasonable speed and parrying his attacks is very straightforward, and not subject to any slow controls like the dodge buttons. If you fail once, you can use your shield and dodge for the rest of the combo.

Once you stop his attack, you should perform a 3 hit combo (left right left) if you dodged, a 4 (left left right right) or 5 hit combo (up down left right up) if you parried. Use your magic in case of trouble or to finish him off (it will take 100 points out of him). Thanks to parrying you will get multiple stab opportunities that will be draining him pretty quickly too.

Once thing to remember about parrying: it is OK to parry the very last swipe of a GK combo, you'll still have a longer time to hit back at him, and sometimes get the stab opportunities. Also, there are only two orientations for parrying: horizontal and vertical, and the direction (left to right or right to left for example) doesn't matter! So there are only two choices, which makes it much easier once you have a feel for that.

If you use parrying the fight is very short (maybe 2 or three minutes) and quite easy (easier than some of the critters on the way to the GK, because they're sooooo slow that parrying them requires much better timing than the GK...). In the end you might take a hit or two, but shouldn't feel the need to heal yourself. Fire swords are good only if the person doesn't have a shield that blocks fire objects.

Solution 3:

At first I played up to about 20 bloodlines and every time the god king defeated me. However IF you choose to join him instead of picking up your sword, all he says is "Together we will vanquish the old corrupt more powerful beings than the deathless.." and then you can choose to fight him joining him is pointless. You know how your enemies become stronger, faster, and harder to defeat? Well the god king is always the same: just hard to kill.

So yes I believe it's possible to defeat him on the first bloodline. Say you bought the Infinity Blade, The Patriot (shield), Oruku (helmet), Helio Amrmor,(all the best supplies but ones to REALLY save up for) and the Ring of Ice and Fire, and you were on the first bloodline, you can defeat him by merely avoiding his attacks. However it seems the makers of the game don't let you use your shield sometimes while you fight him, or make the controls slower so you get damaged.