Portable version of Onedrive desktop app

Solution 1:

For some reason, commenting seems broken now on the site, so here it is as an answer.

While not quite portable in that your files are not actually stored portably at all, you can use WebDAV to access your files without download them at all. This basically presents it to you as a network drive, as if the files were on a network server on your LAN.

  1. In your web browser, login to your OneDrive.

  2. After you log in, your URL should be like: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=root&cid=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP The ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP part is your “customer ID”. Select it and copy it to the clipboard.

  3. Map "https://d.docs.live.net/CUSTOMERID" in Explorer. You do this as you would map any network drive.

Be sure to not check "Reconnect at login" if the computer isn't yours.

If it is yours, you can automate this by using a batch script using the net use command:

e.g. map "Documents", require password interactively, do not reconnect at login:

net use h: "https://d.docs.live.net/CUSTOMERID/Documents" /user:[email protected] /P:no

e.g. with the password, non-interactive, reconnect automatically:

net use h: "https://d.docs.live.net/CUSTOMERID/Documents" /user:[email protected] mypassword /P:Yes
