How do I decide which way to backtrack in the Smith–Waterman algorithm?

Solution 1:

When you build the similarity matrix, you need to store not only the similarity score, but where that score came from. You currently have a line of code:


so here you need to remember not the just the maximum score, but which of these was the maximum. Then when you come to do the backtracking you will know which direction to go.

For example, you might try something like this:

import numpy


def smith_waterman(seq1, seq2, insertion_penalty = -1, deletion_penalty = -1,
                   mismatch_penalty = -1, match_score = 2):
    Find the optimum local sequence alignment for the sequences `seq1`
    and `seq2` using the Smith-Waterman algorithm. Optional keyword
    arguments give the gap-scoring scheme:

    `insertion_penalty` penalty for an insertion (default: -1)
    `deletion_penalty`  penalty for a deletion (default: -1)
    `mismatch_penalty`  penalty for a mismatch (default: -1)
    `match_score`       score for a match (default: 2)

    See <>.

    >>> for s in smith_waterman('AGCAGACT', 'ACACACTA'): print s
    m, n = len(seq1), len(seq2)

    # Construct the similarity matrix in p[i][j], and remember how
    # we constructed it -- insertion, deletion or (mis)match -- in
    # q[i][j].
    p = numpy.zeros((m + 1, n + 1))
    q = numpy.zeros((m + 1, n + 1))
    for i in range(1, m + 1):
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            deletion = (p[i - 1][j] + deletion_penalty, DELETION)
            insertion = (p[i][j - 1] + insertion_penalty, INSERTION)
            if seq1[i - 1] == seq2[j - 1]:
                match = (p[i - 1][j - 1] + match_score, MATCH)
                match = (p[i - 1][j - 1] + mismatch_penalty, MATCH)
            p[i][j], q[i][j] = max((0, 0), deletion, insertion, match)

    # Yield the aligned sequences one character at a time in reverse
    # order.
    def backtrack():
        i, j = m, n
        while i > 0 or j > 0:
            assert i >= 0 and j >= 0
            if q[i][j] == MATCH:
                i -= 1
                j -= 1
                yield seq1[i], seq2[j]
            elif q[i][j] == INSERTION:
                j -= 1
                yield '-', seq2[j]
            elif q[i][j] == DELETION:
                i -= 1
                yield seq1[i], '-'

    return [''.join(reversed(s)) for s in zip(*backtrack())]