Connect Device to Mac localhost Server? [closed]

Solution 1:

I had the same problem. I turned off my WI-FI on my Mac and then turned it on again, which solved the problem. Click Settings > Turn WI-FI Off.

I tested it by going to Safari on my iPhone and entering my host name or IP address. For example: http://<name>.local or

Solution 2:

Have your server listen on instead of localhost.

Solution 3:

I was only able to access my iphone using http://name.local:1337. You have to add the ".local" You can find your computer name under System Preferences/sharing/"Computer Name".

Solution 4:

Try enabling Internet Sharing:
Open System Preferences -> Sharing. Check Internet Sharing to turn it on, it will prompt you to confirm your action, select ok. If your iPhone is connected using USB, the iPhone USB is checked at the "sharing your connection" list on the right side.
After this, try accessing your local server using your macs ip on wifi.