Reason why not to have a DELETE macro for C++

Solution 1:

Personally I prefer the following

template< class T > void SafeDelete( T*& pVal )
    delete pVal;
    pVal = NULL;

template< class T > void SafeDeleteArray( T*& pVal )
    delete[] pVal;
    pVal = NULL;

They compile down to EXACTLY the same code in the end.

There may be some odd way you can break the #define system but, personally (And this is probably going to get me groaned ;) I don't think its much of a problem.

Solution 2:

Because it doesn't actually solve many problems.

In practice, most dangling pointer access problems come from the fact that another pointer to the same object exists elsewhere in the program and is later used to access the object that has been deleted.

Zeroing out one of an unknown number of pointer copies might help a bit, but usually this is a pointer that is either about to go out of scope, or set to point to a new object in any case.

From a design point of view, manually calling delete or delete[] should be relatively rare. Using objects by value instead of dynamically allocated objects where appropriatem using std::vector instead of dynamically allocated arrays and wrapping the ownership of objects that have to be dynamically allocated in an appropriate smart pointer (e.g. auto_ptr, scoped_ptr or shared_ptr) to manage their lifetime are all design approaches that make replacing delete and delete[] with a "safer" macro a comparatively low benefit approach.

Solution 3:

Because it is OK to delete a NULL(0) pointer. The is no need to check if the pointer actually is NULL(0) or not. If you want to set the pointer to NULL, after deleting, then you can overload the delete operator globally with out using macros.

It seems that I was wrong about the second point:

If you want to set the pointer to NULL, after deleting, then you can overload the delete operator globally

The thing is that if you overload the global new and delete, you could have something like this:

void* operator new(size_t size)
    void* ptr = malloc(size);

    if(ptr != 0)
        return ptr;

    throw std::bad_alloc("Sorry, the allocation didn't go well!");

void operator delete(void* p)
    p = 0;

Now, if you set p = 0; in the overloaded delete, you are actually setting the local one, but not the original p. Basically, we are getting a copy of the pointer in the overloaded delete.

Sorry, it was on the top of my head, I gave it a second thought now. Anyway, I would write template inline function to do the thing instead of writing EVIL MACROS :)