How to make a duplicate of a photo on iPhone before I crop or edit it?

There are many times I want to crop a photo using iPhoto on iOS and post to Facebook, and then possibly crop it another way (like panoramic this time), and post to Facebook, but I don't want to lose the original.

Is there a way to make duplicates of the original and edit it using iPhoto on iOS?

P.S. I also found that when you crop a photo in the Photos app, the original is not lost. You can simply re-crop it again (or un-crop it) to get a different cropping or get back the original. But, it still might be good to have a duplicate if you want to keep 2 different ways of cropping of the same photo.

As of iOS 9.3 you can choose to Duplicate photo directly. Pretty convenient.

The Duplicate button is shown after you tap on Sharing button

What I do is copy the photo and paste it into the notes app and then save it back to the camera roll, then we have a duplicate and we can edit one of them and still keep the original.

Here's a tested & confirmed way to copy photos without downloading any other apps. You will however need wi-fi or wireless service at the time to do this.

  1. Click the photo, click share, select Message, and send it to yourself (your Apple ID).
  2. Then, open Messages and click on the message you just sent yourself. Click on the image, then click Share, and then Save Image.
  3. You can repeat clicking Share->Save Image, for as many copies of the photo as you want.

When you're done, go back to Photos and find the copies. Each photo is now an individual copy that can edited, cropped, etc. without the changes being applied to the other copies.

I was looking to make a Photo Editing Extension to Duplicate photos easily, but...

... it's already existing =/