Is it possible to check if a notification is visible or canceled?

Solution 1:

If you're app has a minimum API >= 23 can use this method to get active notification:

NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
StatusBarNotification[] notifications = mNotificationManager.getActiveNotifications();
for (StatusBarNotification notification : notifications) {
  if (notification.getId() == 100) {
    // Do something.

Solution 2:

This is how I solved it:

    private boolean isNotificationVisible() {
    Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
    PendingIntent test = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, MY_ID, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE);
    return test != null;

This is how I generate the notification:

 * Issues a notification to inform the user that server has sent a message.
private void generateNotification(String text) {

    int icon = R.drawable.notifiaction_icon;
    long when = System.currentTimeMillis();
    NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
    Notification notification = new Notification(icon, text, when);
    String title = context.getString(R.string.app_name);
    Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);

    // set intent so it does not start a new activity
    //notificationIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP);
    PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, MY_ID, notificationIntent, 0);
    notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, title, text, intent);

    notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL; //PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT

    notificationManager.notify(MY_ID, notification);

Solution 3:

I think you can use deleteIntent of Notification class.

I remember in one of my application I use use to fire a Broadcast (custom Broadcast) when a notification is cancelled or the Notification tray was cleared.

Solution 4:

An alternative to the deleteIntent is the following which has proved beneficial in my own app:

Basically, you create an intent with your notification that starts an IntentService (or any other service) and in onHandleIntent you can set a flag indicating whether the notification is active.
You can set this intent to be fired when the user taps the notification (contentIntent) and/or when the user clears it from the list (deleteIntent).

To illustrate it, here is what I do in my own app. When building the notification I set

Intent intent = new Intent(this, CleanupIntentService.class);
Notification n = NotificationCompat.Builder(context).setContentIntent(
        PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, 0)).build();

When the notification is tapped, my CleanupIntentService is launched, setting a flag (in the service that created the notification):

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    super.onCreate(); // If removed, onHandleIntent is not called
    return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {