Can I prevent Windows Explorer's Icon from changing?

When using (Windows) File Explorer to browse the contents of a folder, the icon changes to match the icon of the current folder. In most folders, this icon is a little image of a manila folder, however for special folders, it is a different icon. For example, when viewing the "Music" folder, the icon becomes a musical note.

Unfortunately the icon changes not only in the Explorer window's title bar, but also in its tab on the Taskbar. Is there a way to disable this behavior and keep the icon for all Explorer windows the same?

I was having this same thing happen to me and I miraculously just figured it out.

I had the windows file explorer folder icon pinned to my taskbar with grouping of windows always enabled, but when I would open a window with the pinned icon, it would show another icon that would change when I navigated to desktop or downloads.

I fixed it by trying to pin the additional icon that was showing up as the desktop or downloads icon. It immediately changed back to the windows folder icon. Then I removed my first pinned shortcut and did testing to confirm. Seems to be working.