Is there a word to convey something that is barely in your sight lines?

So you have a piece of dead skin on your nose. Every once in a while something bothers you but you don't know what it is. Then you realize you keep seeing the dead skin flake. Is there a term to describe this?

Note: I should have mentioned this from the beginning, but my bad, peripheral is not what I am looking for. I would tend to use this for field of vision on the outside corner of my eyes. Looking for a word that convey something - either above or below - that may be on your face.

I am looking for that "hazy" area that you see the tip of your nose or eyebrows or the occasional cheek.

You could say it's in the periphery of your vision. That is, you only see it on the edge of your vision.

There's an expression "out of the corner of one's eye" which might work in some situations e.g. "Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a large spider". I think this may only be used in British English though...

Sounds like it's in your peripheral field:

: the outer part of the field of vision; specif : the part that lies more than 30 degrees from the line of sight