Do we have closures in C++?

Solution 1:

The latest C++ standard, C++11, has closures.

Solution 2:

If you understand closure as a reference to a function that has an embedded, persistent, hidden and unseparable context (memory, state), then yes:

class add_offset {
    int offset;
    add_offset(int _offset) : offset(_offset) {}
    int operator () (int x) { return x + offset; }

// make a closure
add_offset my_add_3_closure(3);

// use closure
int x = 4;
int y = my_add_3_closure(x);
std::cout << y << std::endl;

The next one modifies its state:

class summer
    int sum;
    summer() : sum(0) {}
    int operator () (int x) { return sum += x; }

// make a closure
summer adder;
// use closure
std::cout << adder(0) << std::endl;

The inner state can not be referenced (accessed) from outside.

Depending on how you define it, a closure can contain a reference to more than one function or, two closures can share the same context, i.e. two functions can share the same persistent state.

Closure means not containing free variables - it is comparable to a class with only private attributes and only public method(s).

Solution 3:

Yes, This shows how you could implement a function with a state without using a functor.

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

std::function<int()> make_my_closure(int x){
    return [x]() mutable {   
        return x;   

int main()
    auto my_f = make_my_closure(10);

    std::cout << my_f() << std::endl; // 11
    std::cout << my_f() << std::endl; // 12
    std::cout << my_f() << std::endl; // 13

     auto my_f1 = make_my_closure(1);

    std::cout << my_f1() << std::endl; // 2
    std::cout << my_f1() << std::endl; // 3
    std::cout << my_f1() << std::endl; // 4

    std::cout << my_f() << std::endl; // 14

I forgot the mutable keyword which introduced an undefined behaviour (clang version was returning a garbage value). As implemented, the closure works fine (on GCC and clang)