How can I update my ADT in Eclipse?

I have tried to update my Eclipse. Currently I have till 2.2 Android SDK in my Eclipse. Yesterday I have updated my Eclipse like this:

Eclipse -> window -> Android SDK Manager -> I have checked two check-boxes from list. Tools -> Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform Tools.

I have posted here some last lines of the message which I get from downloading and installing:

Preparing to install archives
Downloading Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 12
Installing Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 12
Stopping ADB server succeeded.
Installed Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 12
Downloading Android SDK Tools, revision 20
Installing Android SDK Tools, revision 20
[post_tools_install.bat] Updating SDK Manager.exe
[post_tools_install.bat] 1 file(s) copied.
[post_tools_install.bat] Updating AVD Manager.exe
[post_tools_install.bat] 1 file(s) copied.
Installed Android SDK Tools, revision 20
Stopping ADB server succeeded.
Starting ADB server succeeded.
Done. 2 packages installed.
Fetching URL:
Failed to fetch URL, reason:
Fetching URL:
Failed to fetch URL, reason:
Done loading packages.

But after all this after I have closed Eclipse and again wanted to start, it throw the error:

This Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version 20.0.0 or above. Current version is 16.0.0.v201203301601-306762. Please update ADT to the latest version.

In preferences I received this error:

This Android SDK requires Android Develop... Please update ADT to the latest version.

You have updated the android sdk but not updated the adt to match with it.

You can update the adt from here

You might need to update the software source for your adt update

Go to eclipse > help > Check for updates.

It should list the latest update of adt. If it is not working try the same *Go to eclipse > help > Install new software * but now please do the follwing:

  • Click on add

  • Add this url :

  • Give it any name.

It will list the updates available- which should ideally be adt 20.xx

Eclipse will restart and hopefully everything should work fine for you.

I had this problem. Since I already had the ADT address I could not follow the suggested fix. The reason why the update was not working in my case is that the ADT address was not checked in the list of "Available updates".

1) Go to eclipse > help > Install new software

2) Click on "Available Software site"

3) Check that you have the ADT address

4) If not add it following the Murtuza Kabul's steps

5) if yes check that the address is checked (checkbox on the left of the address)

I run the update after having launched Eclipse as administrator to be sure that it was not going to have problems accessing the system folders