Can you dye a Snow Golem?

I know it is possible to change the color of sheep using dye. I've also learned that you can change the color of a tamed wolf this wasy too.

Does this also work on other mobs, specifically the Snowman?

Solution 1:

As per the Minecraft wiki article on dyes and such, you can currently only dye wolves' collars and sheep.

Taken directly from the wiki:

Dyes can be used on sheep by right-clicking sheep with a dye. After shearing a colored sheep, they will drop the corresponding color of the wool, as well keep the color of their wool when it regenerates. Additionally, there are naturally occurring gray, light gray, black, brown and pink sheep that drop corresponding color wool. Breeding colored sheep will result the baby sheep's color to be one of the parental sheep's color, or a resulting color of the combination of both parental sheep's color. The unlimited reproduction of colored sheep make dyeing and shearing sheep a far more efficient method to obtain dyed wool than just dyeing a wool directly.

Dye can also be used on tamed wolves, except on the Xbox 360 Edition. Right-clicking a tamed wolf with a dye will change the wolf's collar (red by default) to the color of the dye. This can be helpful when players are organizing multiple tamed wolves.

Who knows what they may add in the future though. Pink horses?

Solution 2:

No you can't dye a snow golem different colors. Here is a video to prove it:

Because you can't dye the snow blocks or the actual snow golem like I have demonstrated, the idea of a different coloration other than white is impossible,