Chrome browser reload options new feature

I found this new feature in Chrome today. When you hover over the refresh button you get this tooltip saying: "Reload this page, hold to see more options" and when I do it I get these three awesome options. 1. Normal Reload 2. Hard Reload 3. Empty Cache and Hard Reload (this is very useful option I believe)

But the problem is I cant see it consistently across all tabs/web pages. Only local files and even its not consistent. Anybody here knows how this is enabled/disabled?

I tried googling but didnt find anything related. Either way its a great feature I believe for all developers out there.

Google chrome reload option

Solution 1:

If you have the Developer Tools open (F12 / Ctrl-Shift-I / Cmd + Opt + I, Chrome Menu → More tools → Developer Tools), then the reload menu can appear.

enter image description here