What are the effects of ramming with tanks and how to do it effectively?

Solution 1:

It seems that the chance to break the main gun changes based on which tank does the ramming. The T-34, for instance, has close to a 100% chance to break the main gun of any other tank it rams. They takes out their own main gun in the process as well, so don't rely on only it.

Generally, though, since no tank has a guarantee of disabling their main gun, it's better used as a last ditch effort to take another tank with the rammer. If you're lucky, you'll take out their main gun or other component, and that means that unit is disadvantaged until it can be repaired. If you get lucky and take out their main gun, it's essentially target practice.

For the T-34s, though, since they can be built relatively cheaply, they can be used at the start of a skirmish to take out heavier tanks, and automatically turn the fight into your favor. You'll probably lose the tank in the process, but disabling a Tiger or Panther for the cost of a T-34 is pretty heavily weighted in your favor. Follow up with some AT infantry, or other tank destroyers, and that tank won't be making it home.