MySQL - UPDATE query based on SELECT Query

I need to check (from the same table) if there is an association between two events based on date-time.

One set of data will contain the ending date-time of certain events and the other set of data will contain the starting date-time for other events.

If the first event completes before the second event then I would like to link them up.

What I have so far is:

SELECT name as name_A, date-time as end_DTS, id as id_A 
FROM tableA WHERE criteria = 1

SELECT name as name_B, date-time as start_DTS, id as id_B 
FROM tableA WHERE criteria = 2

Then I join them:

SELECT name_A, name_B, id_A, id_B, 
if(start_DTS > end_DTS,'VALID','') as validation_check
FROM tableA
LEFT JOIN tableB ON name_A = name_B

Can I then, based on my validation_check field, run a UPDATE query with the SELECT nested?

You can actually do this one of two ways:

MySQL update join syntax:

UPDATE tableA a
INNER JOIN tableB b ON a.name_a = b.name_b
SET validation_check = if(start_dts > end_dts, 'VALID', '')
-- where clause can go here

ANSI SQL syntax:

UPDATE tableA SET validation_check = 
    (SELECT if(start_DTS > end_DTS, 'VALID', '') AS validation_check
        FROM tableA
        INNER JOIN tableB ON name_A = name_B
        WHERE id_A = tableA.id_A)

Pick whichever one seems most natural to you.

    `table1` AS `dest`,
            `id` = x
    ) AS `src`
    `dest`.`col1` = `src`.`col1`
    `dest`.`id` = x

Hope this works for you.

Easy in MySQL:

UPDATE users AS U1, users AS U2 
SET U1.name_one = U2.name_colX
WHERE U2.user_id = U1.user_id

If somebody is seeking to update data from one database to another no matter which table they are targeting, there must be some criteria to do it.

This one is better and clean for all levels:

UPDATE dbname1.content targetTable

LEFT JOIN dbname2.someothertable sourceTable ON
    targetTable.compare_field= sourceTable.compare_field
    targetTable.col1  = sourceTable.cola,
    targetTable.col2 = sourceTable.colb, 
    targetTable.col3 = sourceTable.colc, 
    targetTable.col4 = sourceTable.cold 

Traaa! It works great!

With the above understanding, you can modify the set fields and "on" criteria to do your work. You can also perform the checks, then pull the data into the temp table(s) and then run the update using the above syntax replacing your table and column names.

Hope it works, if not let me know. I will write an exact query for you.

  receipt_invoices dest,
      CAST((net * 100) / 112 AS DECIMAL (11, 2)) witoutvat 
    WHERE CAST((net * 100) / 112 AS DECIMAL (11, 2)) != total 
      AND vat_percentage = 12
  ) src 
  dest.price = src.witoutvat,
  dest.amount = src.witoutvat 
WHERE col_tobefixed = 1 
  AND dest.`receipt_id` = src.receipt_id ;

Hope this will help you in a case where you have to match and update between two tables.