What is the difference between Coaching and Mentoring?

I know coaching is all about the client potential and not being directive or giving solutions, but how does it different than mentoring?

Solution 1:

Difference between Coaching and mentoring can be explained into few simple points :

1) Coaching is based on task, mentoring is based on relationship.

2) Coaching is short term, mentoring is long term.

3) Coaching is focused on performance, mentoring is focused on development.

4) Coaching can be given immediately without any well-framed structure while mentoring needs a well planned structure.

5) Coaching is given to employees when they fail to achieve the standards. Mentoring is to develop additional skills in employees.

6) Coaching is for a small group of individuals who are in need of increased competency in specific areas. Mentoring is to retain the expertise of the employees into certain fields.