Multiple commands in gdb separated by some sort of delimiter ';'?

I am trying to execute two commands at once in gdb:

finish; next

I tried using the ';' to separate the commands but gdb did not let me do both at once.

Is it possible to do multiple commands in gdb similar to bash commands separated by ';' delimiter?

Solution 1:

I don't believe so (but I may be wrong). You can do something like this:

(gdb) define fn
> finish
> next
> end

And then just type:

(gdb) fn

You can put this in your ~/.gdbinit file as well so it is always available.

Solution 2:

If you are running gdb from command line you can pass multiple commands with the -ex parameter like:

$ gdb ./prog -ex 'b srcfile.c:90' -ex 'b somefunc' -ex 'r -p arg1 -q arg2'

This coupled with display and other commands makes running gdb less cumbersome.

Solution 3:

GDB has no such command separator character. I looked briefly, in case it would be easy to add one, but unfortunately no....

Solution 4:

You can do this using the python integration in gdb.

It would be nice if s ; bt stepped and then printed a backtrace, but it doesn't.

You can accomplish the same thing by calling into the Python interpreter.

python import gdb ; print(gdb.execute("s")) ; print(gdb.execute("bt"))

It's possible to wrap this up into a dedicated command, here called "cmds", backed by a python definition.

Here's an example .gdbinit extended with a function to run multiple commands.

# multiple commands
from __future__ import print_function
import gdb

class Cmds(gdb.Command):
  """run multiple commands separated by ';'"""
  def __init__(self):

  def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
    for fragment in arg.split(';'):
      # from_tty is passed in from invoke.
      # These commands should be considered interactive if the command
      # that invoked them is interactive.
      # to_string is false. We just want to write the output of the commands, not capture it.
      gdb.execute(fragment, from_tty=from_tty, to_string=False)


example invocation:

$ gdb
(gdb) cmds echo hi ; echo bye

Solution 5:

Certainly it is possible. Given, for example, C code

int a = 3;
double b = 4.4;
short c = 555;

, say we want to ask GDB what is the type of each of those variables.  The following sequence of GDB commands will allow us to enter 3 whatis requests all on a single line:

  1. set prompt #gdb#
    • Any prompt whose first non-whitespace character is # will work: it just so happens that # starts a comment in GDB command scripts.
  2. set logging overwrite on
    • By default, GDB appends to a log file; choosing to instead overwrite will let us easily deploy this trick again later, with different commands.
  3. set logging redirect on
    • Meaning, save output of typed commands to log file only: do not also show it at the terminal. (Not absolutely required for our purposes, but keeps the clutter down.)
  4. set logging on
    • This causes GDB to start actually logging; by default, the log file is called gdb.txt.
  5. printf "\nwhatis a\nwhatis b\nwhatis c\n"
    • Our 3 whatis requests, entered on a single line as promised!  Separating the commands, before the first, and after the last is \n.
  6. set logging off
    • Done writing to gdb.txt; that file now contains a valid GDB command script:
   whatis a
   whatis b
   whatis c
  1. source gdb.txt
    • GDB now executes commands in the script which it just generated, producing the expected results:
type = int
type = double
type = short


  • Should you wish to deploy this trick again in the same GDB session, just perform steps 4-7.
  • Generating a command script with shell would be less cumbersome, and may well be possible; the above method, however, is platform-agnostic.