Get a Telegram notification only when a word is used on a channel [closed]

I'm subscribed to a Telegram channel that sometimes sends more than 20 messages a minute but I'm really interested in one or two of those messages a day.

The messages I'm interested in all will contain a particular word.

So far what I do is to mute the channel and several times during the day I go and search for that particular word.

Is there a way to get any kind of notification for this case?
Is there a bot or service that will send me a personal message when a condition like this is met?

Is my solution the only way?

for the curios the channel is and I'm only interested in new portals for my region

You can use the Junction Bot - it allows you to follow channels and filter the messages - without joining the channel.

From the bot help message:

I can collect all posts from your favorite Telegram and Twitter channels, so you can read them like a news feed. Also you can use me inside groups and to forward one channel into another.


  1. Start the bot.
  2. After choosing a language, send the bot the channel you're interested at - newportal.
  3. Send the bot a filter command, with the string that interest you:
    • Format: /filter @channel_name mustHave text_to_pass (get the full /filter command usage by sending the /filter command to the bot).
    • For example, send /filter @newportal mustHave (ru) to get only the messages with the text (ru) from the channel @newportal.
  4. If you want, you can set the bot to forward those message to another channel - so in that case, you can create a new channel for your area.

Note: The bot help message states that it can take around 10 minutes of delay until you get the updates.

Here's the full Junction Bot FAQ