Batch Script - Parenthesized echo of the word "Where" issue

A while back I asked about Batch Script Redirection Syntax and received a nice answer. I've utilized the parenthesis () method more often to echo in batch scripts and redirect to files, etc.

I've run into an odd issue where it appears the word Where is not be able to be echo'd as that word literally and it seems it's interpreted as the Where command being invoked instead.

To keep this example simple, I've dumbed down the script logic to a much simpler version, but the PowerShell logic being echo'd could be much more complex than this.

Script Example


    ECHO [System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() ^| Where {$_.Name -like "C:\"}
)>> Outfile.txt



INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).

enter image description here

What I've done

I troubleshot this a little and did some quick research and couldn't find a simple answer. Since I have not asked many questions on SuperUser, I figured this would be a good one potentially.

One thing in particular I tried was setting a variable as a string value of Where (i.e. SET w=Where) and then in the parenthesized echo commands I referenced that variable (i.e. %w%) in place of the word Where but the result is still the same error.

I also played around a little with SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION but it made no difference.

SET w=Where
    ECHO [System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() ^| %w% {$_.Name -like "C:\"}
)>> Outfile.txt

The Workaround

I have simply not been using the parenthesized method for echoing the word "Where" and I have just been utilizing the appended >> redirect to the file method on each echo'd line individually where "where" is involved. No big deal for this small example but a bigger deal for a larger script.

ECHO [System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() ^| Where {$_.Name -like "C:\"}>> Outfile.txt

Correlated Questions


  1. What is causing this and what exactly is happening when this occurs?

  2. Is there a way to allow the word (or string) "Where" to be used without the issue?


  • Using parenthesis/brackets to group expressions
  • Where

Solution 1:

You have misdiagnosed the problem - WHERE has nothing to do with it.

You simply need to escape the closing parenthesis:


    ECHO [System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives(^) ^| Where {$_.Name -like "C:\"}
)>> Outfile.txt


Solution 2:

Here is one other option for you. This doesn't require you to escape the parentheses or the pipe. When you redirect the NUL device to the SET /P command it writes the prompt string to stdout. The one caveat to this is that SET /P doesn't write out a carriage return and line feed so you need an empty ECHO. to output the CRLF.


<nul set /p "=[System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() | Where {$_.Name -like "C:\"}" &echo.
echo another line

notepad Outfile.txt

Solution 3:

For what it’s worth, it seems that, after a ), CMD interprets ^| as |:

C:\> (echo 1.The && echo 2.quick && echo 3.brown && echo ^| find "q"