Missing icons for Trusted Microsoft Store Apps in Start Menu search and taskbar

I don't know why this worked, I read it somewhere (I forget the exact source) but someone suggested removing the Google Drive File Stream application. I got fed up with this issue, and tried it on a whim not expecting much, and it actually fixed the situation and the icons came back during the installation.

Google Drive File Stream was/is the culprit for me. Uninstalling this app brings the icons back. I don't have the option of removing the app so I live with this fix until I get Windows reinstalled and the dice gets rolled to see if the problem comes back.

What can temporarily work (day by day) is by removing the following Registry Key:


And then restarting Windows Explorer from the Task Manager.

This registry key will come back so when your icons disappear again you will need to do this again. This works for all of the icons except the Windows Mail icon.

I tried all of the fixes on this site and a bunch of others short of reinstalling Windows. Nothing had any effect. I think a large percentage of people have this problem because of Google Drive File Stream. Google seems uninterested in solving this problem as it doesn't affect everyone.