Do I have to provide an email for a local user on Windows 10 Pro?

I'd like to create a user on Windows 10 that is just a username and a password, no email, no MS communication.

Reason? No particular reason. I don't feel like providing an email, or creating an email account. None of Microsoft's business and I am quite comfortable with assuming the risks wrt to recovery in case a password is forgotten or the like.

Is this still possible? I looked in Settings/Accounts/Family and other people. Add a Family Member or Add someone else both seem stubborn in asking for an email, not just a user name.

I know there must be some way, for example I set up a MS SQL Server account in the past and it probably doesn't have an email. I just don't see any obvious way to do this in Settings/Accounts, which is where I expect this type of configuration to take place.

I have build 15063, Pro edition.

It's possible (I have a couple non-domain users, good "insurance").

Process is pretty simple, once you've seen it once:

  • Open Settings->Accounts
  • Under "Accounts" -> click on "Family and Other People"
  • Under "Other People" -> click on "Add Someone Else to this PC"
  • The dialog changes, click on "I don't have this person's sign-in information"
  • The dialog changes again, click on "Add a user without a Microsoft Account"
  • Add the username/password credentials

That's it, you're done, the Setting page should take you back to "User Management(Family and other People)" now, and the non-domain account will be under the "Other People" section.

Existing Microsoft KB here.

Or you can just open up an elevated command prompt (or powershell shell) and add the user with the following command:

net user <username> /add *

for example:

net user gizmo /add *

and type the password twice, done.

If you want to make the user an Administrator too, subsequently use this command:

net localgroup administrators <username> /add

Then if you want to get rid of the user again use

net user <username> /delete

Press Windows-R, or open a Command Prompt, and type:

mmc compmgmt.msc

and click OK/press return. This will open the Computer Management console and you can use this to manage local users.

Alternatively just run mmc, click File, Add/Remove snap-in and add the Local Users and Groups snap-in. This is the same snap-in available in the Computer Management console. You can save this console for future reuse if you think you're likely to need it again.