Unable to remove Anki

I've tried virtually everything I've found so far, like sudo apt remove anki, etc which basically returns package not found.

The closest I've come is running sudo apt-file list anki, which gives me a long list of the files, but when i navigate to that directory (/usr/bin/anki) it says it doesn't exist. Although the app is still on my desktop and still runs when i click it, navigating to my /applications folder shows no file anki.desktop.

Really frustrated, I'm just trying to remove anki from my computer..

Solution 1:

  • First, which anki, which should tell you exactly what binary or script is being run. Ex output: /usr/local/bin/anki
  • Then, go into this folder with cd /path/to/that/directory. In my case: cd /usr/local/bin/anki
  • Into this folder you would find the file uninstall.sh. Run this to uninstall Anki. In my case: sudo ./uninstall.sh

Solution 2:

  1. Navigate through the graphical interface to the HD, in the search bar type "anki".

  2. Open the anki folder.

  3. Right-click and select Open in Terminal.

  4. In the terminal run:

    sudo make uninstall

    You will get an output similar to this:

    root@debian-jean:/home/jean/anki-2.1.26-linux-amd64# sudo make uninstall anki 
    xdg-mime uninstall /usr/local/share/anki/anki.xml rm -rf
    /usr/local/share/anki rm -rf /usr/local/bin/anki rm -rf
    /usr/local/share/pixmaps/anki.xpm rm -rf
    /usr/local/share/pixmaps/anki.png rm -rf
    /usr/local/share/applications/anki.desktop rm -rf
    Uninstall complete.

Solution 3:

  1. Try locating the uninstall.sh script for Anki in one of the following locations and execute it with sudo ./uninstall.sh (Do not forget the sudo part):

    • /usr/local/share/anki/
    • /usr/local/bin/anki

    Alternatively try locating the folder executing which anki

  2. If you can't find it, don't worry. Just download the latest version of Anki and decompress it somewhere. Double clicking on the downloaded file is usually enough to show you the Anki folder that you can then drag and drop where you prefer. You'll find the uninstall.sh script inside. Execute it as mentioned above with sudo ./uninstall.sh