Ubuntu 20.04 LTS dock's “Show Applications” only showing first page

The Ubuntu 20.04 LTS dock's “Show Applications” is only showing the first page of installed applications. The "Frequent" selection is working fine but when "All" is selected the page won't scroll down and the 'page select' buttons at right of screen also fail to change the page. Page down and page up keys are also not changing the "Show Applications" pages. I can search for the application via the search bar at top of page but the easy access of the scrolling page layout is a feature that seems a bit busted in 20.04.

I am guessing this is one of those little hiccups that will be dealt with over time but thought best to mention it in case someone has a fix. Have a nice day.

Solution 1:

Yes, it happens when your dock is displayed on the left side of the screen. It's a bug as far as I know.

There are three workarounds:

  1. If you use a dual-screen setup, try detaching and reattaching the secondary screen.

  2. Go to Settings >> Appearance >> Position on Screen - Right or Bottom

    Changing dock position solves the issue somehow.

  3. Running this command in your terminal will help you solve it if you like the dock to be on the left side only:

    gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock extend-height false