Thai X Terminal installed in Ubuntu 20.04

thai x terminal

I have noticed this thing today. Before that, I use to open a terminal by Ctrl+Alt+A.

I installed "Termius" and to open the "Termius", I searched the term & got this.

Does anybody know why this got installed or where did it come from?

Solution 1:

As an addition to N0rbert's answer:

You can get rid of this package via

sudo apt-get purge xiterm+thai

Solution 2:

It came from the xiterm+thai package.

Its desktop file is located in /usr/share/applications/xiterm+thai.desktop and contains its name:

Name=Thai X terminal
Comment=X Terminal that supports Thai (TIS-620 encoding)

Technically it is one of the x-terminal-emulator alternatives.

See bug 1747341 about its unexpected installation.