Why doesn't Chromium have "Chrome PDF Viewer" plugin?

Solution 1:

Because the PDF plugin is not free software, i.e. it can only be included with the non-free Google Chrome browser.

See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=50852#c16 for a statement.

Solution 2:

tiax is correct but it can be pulled over from a Chrome install and used from within Chromium.

You just need to pull the libpdf.so file over and enable it in about:plugins

Solution 3:

You have two solutions that I can see here (applied to Ubuntu 11.10) [This was inspired by comments above and other sources I found]

  • Install Chrome and then copy over *.so files which technically gets you around the legality issues

Here's how I did that...

  1. Close Chromium
  2. Download Chrome from Chrome distro
  3. Install it on your Ubuntu release
  4. cd /usr/lib/chromium-browser/
  5. sudo cp /opt/google/chrome/*.so .
  6. Start Chromium

Note: The new plugins never showed up in my extension listing but suddenly just started working properly. By copy all *.so you are getting support for Flash, FFMPEG, and PDF support.

If you want to copy each individual item here is a listing of them for you to hand pick.

  • libffmpegsumo.so - ffmpeg
  • libgcflashplayer.so - Flash
  • libpdf.so - PDF

Solution 4:

Chromium now have a pdf viewer on chrome store based on pdf.js that works like a charm. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pdf-viewer/oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm