No irq handler error while installing Ubuntu 20.04

While installing Ubuntu 20.04 on a new computer, I encountered a No irq handler error. After booting from an USB drive and selecting install Ubuntu, the no irq handler message showed up a few times followed by screen artifacts.

error message

Solution 1:

After further research, I found a reddit user with the same problem as me. The solution is to boot Ubuntu under safe graphics mode. The error would still occur but it will boot into Ubuntu after a while.

Solution 2:

Here's what worked for me - When in the GNU option screen, while at the Ubuntu installation option, press E.

This would open up an editable file with the kernel parameters. In the line with splash -- at the end, type nomodeset right after the space after splash (e.g. splash nomodeset --).

Do Ctrl+X. Ubuntu will now be installed and you'll not get the same error message. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GPU which most likely caused the problem (something about latest drivers, I'm still unclear why though).