limiting memory usage in R under linux

There's unix::rlimit_as() that allows setting memory limits for a running R process using the same mechanism that is also used for ulimit in the shell. Windows and macOS not supported.

In my .Rprofile I have

unix::rlimit_as(1e12, 1e12)

to limit memory usage to ~12 GB.

Before that...

I had created a small R package, ulimit with similar functionality.

Install it from GitHub using


To limit the memory available to R to 2000 MiB, call:



> rep(0L, 1e9)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.7 Gb

?"Memory-limits" suggests using ulimit or limit.

There is a command line flag: --max-mem-size which can set the initial limit. This can be increased by the user during the session by using memory.limit.