Is there a verb meaning "to come back from fishing without any fish?"

In A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language there is a verb that means "to return from fishing without any fish."

  • Taufua, v. to return from fishing without any fish. Syn. ʻAsa.

My question is, how is "taufua" translated into English?

I'm looking for a single word which renders that meaning in English, but I will accept an expression, too.

A bit of searching came up with "duffer" (an incompetent, ineffectual, or clumsy person) but it doesn't seem strictly related to fishing, and it isn't a verb.

Solution 1:

"We've had a good catch" or "We've had a good haul" can be said for a successful fishing trip with lots of fish.

"Empty handed" is a good idiom I agree with Shoe.

Solution 2:

To return from fishing without any fish: fishing unsuccessfully or unsuccessfully fishing fits into a sentence easily.