C# ListView Column Width Auto
How can I set the column width of a c# winforms listview
control to auto. Something like width = -1 / -2 ?
You gave the answer: -2 will autosize the column to the length of the text in the column header, -1 will autosize to the longest item in the column. All according to MSDN. Note though that in the case of -1, you will need to set the column width after adding the item(s). So if you add a new item, you will also need to assign the width property of the column (or columns) that you want to autosize according to data in ListView
Use this:
from here
I made a program that cleared and refilled my listview multiple times. For some reason whenever I added columns with width = -2 I encountered a problem with the first column being way too long. What I did to fix this was create this method.
private void ResizeListViewColumns(ListView lv)
foreach(ColumnHeader column in lv.Columns)
column.Width = -2;
The great thing about this method is that you can pretty much put this anywhere to resize all your columns. Just pass in your ListView