MySQL Table does not support optimize

Solution 1:

Have you found the MySQL documentation? It's extensive and useful.

When you run OPTIMIZE TABLE against InnoDB tables it outputs the Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead message.

From the documentation:

OPTIMIZE TABLE is mapped to ALTER TABLE, which rebuilds the table to update index statistics and free unused space in the clustered index.


Solution 2:

You can optimize an InnoDB table by doing

ALTER TABLE tablename ENGINE='InnoDB';

This will create a copy of the original table drop the original table and put the new table in it's place.

There is some additional information here which includes things you should be aware of.

Also in the MySQL Documentation. See the comment by Dathan Pattishall on May 25 2004 4:41pm about half way down the page.

Although this should be safe to do you should make and test a backup first.

Solution 3:

it is possible

use a wp database plugin like

& activate the plugin

& go to the page & click on optimize database it will optimize your database

No need of entering any sql logins. It fetches from wp-config.php