What stopwatch timer app uses keyboard shortcuts on macOS?

A low-tech solution is to open a terminal window, run time cat, and then stop by pressing control-c:

$ time cat

Two ways to show the number of seconds since the last run:

f=${TMPDIR}stopwatch;date +%s>>$f;tail -n2 $f|awk '{l=$0;getline;print $0-l}'
now=$(date +%s);echo $((now-prev));prev=$now

This is a very simple Timer application which also allows HotKey setup. Plus, it's open sourced :)

App link: http://joaomoreno.github.io/thyme/
Github source: https://github.com/joaomoreno/thyme

While I'd second running a script like explained above by user3936, I've used this before: http://www.apimac.com/mac/timer/

It has a free version and a paid.

Here is teatimer bash script which uses applescript to show an OSX notification and the built-in afplay utility for playing a system sound:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

PLONK="afplay /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/dt-confirm.caf &"

eval $PLONK && osascript -e "display notification \"Started: `date +'%A, %d-%B-%y, %H:%M:%S'`\" with title \"Tea\""

declare -a keys=(50 10 30 30.0 180);

declare -A ticks=( \
        [50]="50 sec" \
        [10]="1 min" \
        [30]="1 min 30 sec" \
        [30.0]="2 min" \
        [180]="5 min" \

for key in "${keys[@]}"; do 
    echo "Next: ${ticks[$key]}";
    sleep $key && eval $PLONK && osascript -e "display notification \"Elapsed: ${ticks[$key]}\" with title \"Tea\""

This will show a notifcation + sound after 50 seconds, 1m, 1m 30s, 2m, 5m. If you modify the script make sure the keys are unique.

teatimer notifcation

NOTE: The script requires bash v4. By default OSX comes with bash v3.