Good debugger tutorial for beginners [closed]

Does anyone know a good beginners tutorial for using the debugger in C++?

I feel as if I am missing out on a lot. I know how to step through the code and look at the local variables (although often even this causes me problems, it seems to have a mind of its own sometimes!).

Everything else (call stack, running threads etc.) means nothing to me and I have yet to have a back trace that I can decipher (unlike in the sample problems for segmentation faults when the back trace always points to some function in your code!). Basically I am no better off just inserting cout statements which is normally what I end up doing :)

I am using Code::Blocks but would be willing to temporarily change IDE to learn the debugger if there was a really nice tutorial. The tutorials that I have found either just explain how to step through the code which I already know or they are really comprehensive explaining EVERYTHING, which is just overwhelming for my little brain and not really necessary at this stage.

I'd suggest the following tutorial for Visual Studio 2010 to start with. It contains information about call stack, debugging multithreaded program and other things which may be needed. The express edition of Visual Studio 2010 is available for free and AFAIK its debugger has precisely the same features as commercial editions.