Is there an easy way to pickle a python function (or otherwise serialize its code)?

Solution 1:

You could serialise the function bytecode and then reconstruct it on the caller. The marshal module can be used to serialise code objects, which can then be reassembled into a function. ie:

import marshal
def foo(x): return x*x
code_string = marshal.dumps(foo.__code__)

Then in the remote process (after transferring code_string):

import marshal, types

code = marshal.loads(code_string)
func = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), "some_func_name")

func(10)  # gives 100

A few caveats:

  • marshal's format (any python bytecode for that matter) may not be compatable between major python versions.

  • Will only work for cpython implementation.

  • If the function references globals (including imported modules, other functions etc) that you need to pick up, you'll need to serialise these too, or recreate them on the remote side. My example just gives it the remote process's global namespace.

  • You'll probably need to do a bit more to support more complex cases, like closures or generator functions.

Solution 2:

Check out Dill, which extends Python's pickle library to support a greater variety of types, including functions:

>>> import dill as pickle
>>> def f(x): return x + 1
>>> g = pickle.dumps(f)
>>> f(1)
>>> pickle.loads(g)(1)

It also supports references to objects in the function's closure:

>>> def plusTwo(x): return f(f(x))
>>> pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(plusTwo))(1)

Solution 3:

Pyro is able to do this for you.