Adding page numbers and running head to a pdf file

Solution 1:

I used iLovePDF's on-line tool to add the page numbers to a non-sensitive document.

I say "non-sensitive" because you have to upload the source material, and then download the result, so in theory they could do something with the original. However, I can't find anything that says iLovePDF isn't safe.

iLovePDF have several other PDF tools:

An alternative is to download PDFPen from the App store or here:

Though I've not tried this tool, I have heard good things.

Solution 2:

Similar to what Piran said, I used for adding page number for non-sensitive document but hesitated to use it for document with sensitive data in fear of data breach.

I have found other PDF suite software too expensive just for adding page number so I decided to make my own Mac App specially for adding page numbers / text watermark, feel free to try it here : (cost $5), hope this helps!