What are words like "Hey Man", "Hey you", "Hey Dude" called [closed]

Is there a term for words that summon someone like "Man," "Dude," "Kid" in sentences such as "Hey, Dude," "Listen up, kid," etc?

I am sure there is, but I can't really remember what it is.

Solution 1:

I think you might be thinking of vocative.

of a word or word group: marking the one addressed (as mother in “mother, come here”)

Solution 2:

Basic grammar may tell you the "Hey" is an "interjection."

When used to specifically address a person (or an audience,) as in your example, the Hey there is a "vocative adjunct" with an interpersonal function of addressing between speaker & listener (or writer & reader): "O, Romeo, Romeo …"

This consists of relatively emotional words or phrases which express an exclamation, a call, a curse, or an oath simply added to the main predication. This vocative adjunct usually begins an utterance. But it can also be placed at the end of an utterance or even between the subject and the predicate. (Dinh-Hoa Nguyen, 1997)

An interesting explanation of the vocative here.

The WP entry has an explanation of the difference between the interjection and the vocative case.