How to safely stop a `chkdsk /r /f C:` on Windows 10?

I started a chkdsk /r /f C: on Windows 10, but now that it's running I want to cancel it. Just powering down the computer risks corruption, so how can I safely abort it?

Ctrl+C isn't an option: I'm running chkdsk /r /f on the drive that has Windows installed. This cannot be done while Windows is running, but only during startup (outside of CMD). This doesn't respond to ctrl+c.

Note: the linked duplicate question is NOT the same. That question is about running chkdsk without parameters, and that is safe because it runs in read-only mode. The /r /f flags causes chkdsk to run in read-write mode, so then it's not generally safe to just kill the process. It needs to be terminated gracefully. Some implementations of fsck (linux equivalent) can be stopped gracefully - even in repair mode - so theoretically it should definitely be possible to safely stop a chkdsk procedure. The main question is: did the Windows devs actually implement a graceful cancellation procedure, and if so how do I trigger it?

You can't stop chkdsk process once it started. The safe way is to wait until it completes. Stopping the computer during the check might lead to filesystem corruption.

Edit: As noted in the comments, there is no safe option (but you could use more or less riskier moments).

If it is running in the pre-startup and you are past Stage 3, meaning it is on 4 of 5 or 5 of 5, then you can just restart your machine. I have done it on stage 5 of 5, which is the stage of checking the free space, and it started up just fine. If you restart your machine during stages 1 to 3, you run the risk of losing data.

Source: Norman Picard