How can I view .HEIC photos on Linux?

How can I view .HEIC photos (the new default format on iOS 11) on a Linux desktop, without uploading them to some cloud service? Is there an image viewer, image converter, or browser with support for .HEIC, either released or not-yet-released?

Solution 1:

For local conversion, this worked for me in Debian. Just downloaded the static build, ran the example conversion command, everything worked:

Solution 2:

to convert a heic image to be able to view it as usual,

sudo apt-get install libheif-examples

then convert image to jpg, then use ristretto image viewer to display it

heif-convert input.heic output.jpg

ristretto  output.jpg

Solution 3:

On Ubuntu (debian distro) the easiet way is probably to run

sudo apt install heif-gdk-pixbuf

After this, e.g., Eye of Gnome eog image.heic will display you image