Performance - vs Date.getTime()

These things are the same (edit semantically; performance is a little better with .now()):

var t1 =;
var t2 = new Date().getTime();

However, the time value from any already-created Date instance is frozen at the time of its construction (or at whatever time/date it's been set to). That is, if you do this:

var now = new Date();

and then wait a while, a subsequent call to now.getTime() will tell the time at the point the variable was set.

They are effectively equivalent, but you should use It's clearer and about twice as fast.

Edit: Source:

When you do (new Date()).getTime() you are creating a new Date object. If you do this repeatedly, it will be about 2x slower than

The same principle should apply for, 0) vs [], 0)