Ubuntu 20.04 boots to black screen with flashing cursor

This is a recent installation which appeared to be working just fine. While sorting out some teething troubles with ESP-IDF I got a warning about some update failure - no details - and then nothing seemed to work. I'm guessing automatic updates in the background. Pretty sure I wasn't doing anything controversial. Upon rebooting I briefly see a message that "sda4 is clean" and then a flashing cursor forever. I have tried CTRL+SHIFT+F1 but this does nothing.

Is there any way to recover this? I have an nvidia graphics card, as that seems to come up in similar questions. I guess I can boot from the DVD again, but hopefully can avoid re-installation.

I also encountered the black screen with my new installation, and it was a relatively easy fix. Press CTRL-ALT-F3 to trigger the CLI, and, once logged in, type:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Find the line with the variable GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, and add nomodeset to the variables, so it looks like this:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"

Then update-grub:

sudo update-grub 

And it should boot. I also ran apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y once in just to make sure everything is good to go. Best of luck!

I experienced a similar issue after a system update that required a reboot. However, I couldn't open a text console with any CTRL-ALT-F# key combinations.

Ultimately what fixed it for me were the following steps:

  1. Booted into recovery mode and ran the "dpkg Repair broken packages" option.

  2. Then ran the "root Drop to root shell prompt" option and from the command line uninstalled and reinstalled my AMD Radeon graphics card drivers.

  3. Rebooted and pressed the 'e' key to edit the "*Ubuntu" boot option in GRUB and added "noresume" at the end of the line that starts with "linux", then pressed Ctrl-X to boot from the modified line.

Hope this helps someone...

On Ubuntu 20.04 I fixed this by doing:

  1. Ctrl+Alt+F3

  2. Log in.

    sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
  3. Reboot.