Windows disappeared from grub menu after deleting Ubuntu partition [duplicate]

I was having problem with booting Ubuntu. Then I used Easeus partition manager to delete the partition that has Ubuntu. Maybe I have done it wrong. Because now I have also lost Windows. Luckily I came to know of a tool called boot repair from this forum. I used and here is the result from it Paste bin boot info summary. Can someone please decipher what this says and possibly help me out. Thanks.

Solution 1:

Do you have windows recovery disk? If yes, you can repair boot record from Windows recovery disk.

Use fixmbr command.

Solution 2:

Solution with Win PE

If you have a Win PE system , install it onto your usb key or burn a CD.

Downlaod and try the command.

I've done this multiple times , it's easy to fix.

Solution with grub-0.9*

Use grub to load your windows , e.g

grub> rootnoverify (hdA,B)
grub> makeactive
grub> chainloader +1
grub> boot

It may fail , but worth a try. (At least for Windows XP I tried last time)