ZeroMQ/ZMQ Push/Pull pattern usefulness
Solution 1:
It's not a load balancer, this was a faulty explanation that stayed in the 0MQ docs for a while. To do load-balancing, you have to get some information back from the workers about their availability. PUSH, like DEALER, is a round-robin distributor. It's useful for its raw speed, and simplicity. You don't need any kind of chatter, just pump tasks down the pipeline and they're sprayed out to all available workers as rapidly as the network can handle them.
The pattern is useful when you are doing really high numbers of small tasks, and where workers come and go infrequently. The pattern is not good for larger tasks that take time to complete because then you want a single queue that sends new tasks only to available workers. It also suffers from an anti-pattern where if a client sends many tasks and then workers connect, the first worker will grab 1,000 or so messages while the others are still busy connecting.
You can make your own higher-level routing in several ways. Look at the LRU patterns in the Guide: in this the workers explicitly tell the broker 'ready'. You can also do credit-based flow control, and this is what I'd do in any real load-balancing situation. It's a generalization of the LRU pattern. See